Saturday, March 15, 2008

Keeping your Computer Safe On The Internet

In these days of an increasingly web connected world, the computer user can take several steps ensure that their computer is protected from hackers, spyware and viruses. Here are the top four things you need to do to keep your computer spyware and virus free.
Use virus software and update it regularly
Viruses are a constantly evolving threat to computers. Every week malicious hackers create more computer code that through greater sophistication is becoming more malicious. I am a fervent minister to all of my clients that they install and update their computer virus software on a regular basis. That being said many people call me to fix what viruses have wrought.
I like Norton Anti-virus you can find them at
Install software updates as they become available
Keep your software up to date with the latest patches and service packs. New software and operating system vulnerabilities are being found on a regular basis. Hackers exploit these as soon as they are known. Windows XP service pack 2 offers automatic updates that will run with out you having to lift a finger. They have recently added an automatic update to their office suite that will update automatically also. You can find more information about updates here
Spyware scanning
I cannot count the times I get calls with the complaints of my computer is running slow and I have tons of pop-ups or my browser doesn t go to the website I typed in. Most of these symptoms are a direct result of spyware/adware installed on a system. Spyware and Adware are normally installed surreptitiously without the computer user even knowing a program has been installed. Lavasoft offers Ad-aware a great free spyware removal tool at
Firewalls control who and what can access your computer from the network and what programs can access the network from your computer. Hackers can exploit computers in both directions. By getting into your computer from the network a Trojan horse can be installed. Trojan horses can do a number of things without the computer user having any idea that something is wrong. For a good free firewall with more features than the Windows XP firewall can be found at
I hope this primer on has been helpful. I have helped many people who did not take the time to make their computers less vulnerable to the internet s band of ne er do wells. I want to make more people aware of the risks of having an unprotected computer and give them solutions to help stop the invaders at the gate.

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