Monday, April 28, 2008

Bingo, at work? Not while the boss is looking

Go on admit it loves playing bingo. The emotion of the nervous waiting on board, gasping for the satisfaction of being able to face and shouting bingo, knowing that the only time when you will be alone who is in the spotlight, graced by the hand of some lady luck.
At step in our life, we all have a chance to play bingo. Be that as a child of a family on holiday within the local entertainment of the hotel, at home by increasing the number of bingo board games available, or a night out with friends, and perhaps before proceeding to the largest core hard-drinking and dancing entertainment. I also imagine that adults, is not unique in the modern world that has not heard of game.
Bingo, whose roots can be traced back to as early as 1530, of the Italian lottery of the season, has always been a popular and exciting game. He has taken many forms over the years, since the first days of playing with beans, for the most sophisticated ball cards and automated dispensing mechanisms. It has evolved initially from a method that churches are used to increase charitable donations, to become a popular social activity.
In recent years however, bingo has been seen as a game played primarily by the pensioners or adults with low incomes , Perhaps because of the opportunity to obtain large sums of money, with little effort and especially the low cost. Now, however, bingo is played by people of all ages, both sexes and all spheres of life. If you are a lawyer, teacher, or Cleaner Plumber, bingo is now more accessible, more elegant and more profitable. However, this is only the last two or three years that the bingo is another step forward, receiving an upturn in the number and type of players unites us with emotion and excitement of the game bingo.
This of recovery and demographic change is attributed to the ability to play bingo now online. Bingo is a game that has few rules, requires no prior knowledge of the game, which does not require an in-depth examination of learning strategy, and provides players with a quick fix entertainment at low cost. The Internet is the perfect catalyst for such a game, and be able to play bingo online enabled many to obtain that instant fix. They left the players have to wait to organize a group of friends to visit the local bingo hall, and left the players have to leave the comfort of your chair to get the emotion and excitement of winning at bingo. Bingo has reached the modern age. Internet has made everything possible. Computers have become more popular in the home of banda and technology has brought large on our doorstep. Games are evolving, graphics are improving and prize money is growing.
The age of online players rose to 20-55, with the average age being 35. The percentage of male officers has increased in some places more than 30%, from the average of 20% on land-based bingo. The players are spending more money online bingo as well. Although the cards are slightly cheaper, players are average 5 per session. The time spent online playing bingo is now around 20 hours per week, as opposed to about 5 hours on land-based bingo. So where people are starting to instead of playing at home, at work!
In 2003, 77 million people, the E.U. used a computer, with about 33 million in the United Kingdom (two thirds of the population). Well, most of us now use a computer in the office or at some point during our life. Microsoft& 39;s recent research shows that adults of working age (18-64) 78% use a computer, with 45% of people who access from work. Entering from such work, NetApp, reports that approximately 31% use it for personal entertainment reasons.
Well, if you& 39;re one of many players now visiting bingo while you have a spare moment at work or during lunch, but you don & 39; T wants to know the head, a pair of pure tricks to fool the next. is one of many sites that now offer a free download Panic Button, who floats across your PC so you can click from any place where you are, where the boss or a colleague is close. This opens a tool or Excel document, or a similar document, deceive those where you plan on working hard. This site also offers a good " occupied " tool that plays the sound of someone typing away in a chat keyword.
Chit Bingo also offer an alert button that you can keep on your site when you& 39;re not playing . This allows you to keep abreast of all the latest bingo jackpot and promotional offers, and current number of bingo players online.
So now is modern, elegant, fun and exciting. Even celebrities are joining in the fun, with many claiming to be fans of bingo online sites. He is certainly a quick fix for those with a spare a few moments, but a word of warning, playing only when the boss is not looking for, or the boss both at home and at work!

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Web Content (Mass + Keywords) + Links = SEO

Of course, the whole goal of the search engines ranking schemes is precisely to deliver good, relevant content to users. The mechanism for how search engines select and reward good, relevant content is essentially just a technical issue, though admittedly an extremely important technical issue.
But even in purely technical, mechanistic, terms, web content affects search engine rankings three ways:
1. inbound links
2. website mass
3. keyword optimization
1. Web Content and Inbound Links
Inbound links are the number-one factor in getting search engine rankings. They also yield plenty of traffic on their own. The importance of links is what has led many people to say that content is no longer important. But those people forget that content really does play a big role in getting links in the first place:
* At the very least, good content will make potential link partners more comfortable with linking to your site. No one wants to link to a link farm, splog, junk site, or even just an unprofessional-looking site.
* Lots of good content gives other webmasters (and particularly bloggers) a reason to link to your site spontaneously without being asked.
* You can allow other websites to post your content in exchange for a link back to your site.
2. Web Content Mass
More web pages of content = more search engine traffic
Here s why:
1. Adding pages to your site is like putting out extra nets to catch surfers.
2. Search engines see bigger websites as more prestigious and reliable.
3. The more content you have, the more reasons you give other webmasters, particularly bloggers, to link to your site spontaneously, without being asked.
3. Web Content Keyword Optimization
Keyword optimization used to be the most important step in SEO. Now it matters little in ranking for highly competitive keywords.
Still, keyword optimization can really help you get traffic from searches not on competitive keywords. While you may never rank number 1 for "finance," you may still show up tops for a search on "household finance rent federal tax deductions" if you have that phrase somewhere in your content. Such non-competitive searches make up a very large proportion of total web searches.
Web Content Keyword Optimization Checklist:
There are four legs to keyword optimization:
* Research/selection
* Density
* Prominence
* Stemming/Variation
Keyword Research and Selection
You need to identify keywords searched on by your target audience. Use tools such as those offered by WordTracker and Yahoo Search Marketing (formerly Overture).
There are two big pitfalls to avoid:
* "Negative keywords" that look relevant but are not really searched on by your target market. For instance, "website copy" is a synonym for "website content," but most people searching on "website copy" are looking for software that copies an entire website to the hard drive for offline browsing.
* Impossibly competitive keywords that you have no realistic chance of ranking high for them. How do you know if a keyword is impossibly competitive? One rough measure is to look at the PageRank of the webpages currently ranking in the top three for that keyword. If the PageRank of those pages is much higher than the PageRank your site will likely have in the future, you will probably never outrank those pages.
A pay-per-click campaign with Google Adwords of Yahoo! Search Marketing will help you to find which keywords really are searched on by your target audience.
Keyword Density
Keywords appear in the content the right number of times for search engines to recognize the page as relevant, but not so often that it looks like keyword stuffing. The longer the content, the more times the keyword should appear.
Keyword Prominence
Keywords appear in just the right positions within your web pages for search engines to recognize them as relevant. The page title, headings, and first lines of the page are often considered the most prominent positions.
Keyword Stemming/Keyword Variation
* Using variations of the keyword will help ensure web pages appear relevant to the next generation of more sophisticated search engine algorithms.
* In the meantime, variations of popular keywords helps your site appear for the "non-standard" searches on variations of the keyword.
There are three main types of keyword variations:
* Word-stem variations. A stem of a word is its base. For instance, "optimize" is the stem of "optimized." Other stem variations of "optimize" include "optimizing," "optimizer," and "optimization." You can also shuffle the component words of multiple-word keywords. Variations of website content would be web site content, web content, content for websites, and site content ).
* Synonyms (such as web page content, internet content, or writing for the web for website content ).
* Related terms (such as internet, SEO or web page ).
For many people, the SEO side of content feels like a moot point. You need content for your visitors even if no search engine spider ever notices. But every website budget, both of money and time, is finite. If you re ever choosing whether to invest in another link to please search engines or another page of content to please your visitors, don t forget: search engines still like content, too.

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HIPAA Compliance In A Technical World

The way people do business today relies more and more on internet connections and virtual phone lines. This presents a problem for those in the medical industry and those required by the Department of Health and Human Services to follow the guidelines of The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). Those companies that deal with Personal Health Information (PHI) want to make sure that they are able to keep up with technology, and all the convenience and efficiency that it has to offer, yet at the same time ensure that the technology does not put their clients confidential information at risk. One such technology that those in the medical industry are finding numerous benefits to is virtual fax.

The benefits of virtual fax can be summed up in one word: efficiency. With a virtual fax there is no longer any need to go back and forth from the fax machine for sending or receiving faxes. All faxes can come into an email address or internet control panel and faxes can be sent right from the desktop as well. Since the faxes are digital, it is possible to clean up any paper trail and keep a digital file of all important correspondence. Another added benefit is the ability to rid the office of the bulky fax machine with all of the maintenance and upkeep that goes along with it. While it is easy to see how any office can benefit from the use of virtual fax, it may not be as obvious as to how they can do so and still stay HIPAA compliant.

There are four categories of security requirements under HIPAA and it is the consumer s responsibility, according to the HIPAA regulations, to examine the technology employed by a virtual fax provider and determine how to use it in a compliant manner. Here are some things to look for in a virtual fax provider that help medical providers maintain compliance.

1. Administrative Procedures A virtual fax provider should have documented, formal practices to protect data and limit access to files. Most virtual fax providers will have policies that allow access to fax messages for the purpose of maintenance, customer service, repair, and backup, or in response to legal inquiries or warrants that legally force the disclosure of the messages or documents from courts or government agencies.

2. Physical Safeguards A virtual fax provider should be able to protect data from fire, other natural and environmental hazards and intrusion. A provider should have measures in place that include an industry standard fire safety system, off-site backups, and industry standard security systems to protect Personal Health Information from physical vulnerabilities.

3. Technical Security Services a virtual fax provider should have measures in place to protect information and control individual access to information. There are usually 3 ways to access documents in a virtual fax system and each one should have their own independent security measures.

Access to a virtual fax system by phone should be restricted with PIN access.

Email delivery of virtual fax messages should be sent using encryption technology. An added security feature is the ability to have the email delivery of fax documents configured for a ZIP format with password/encryption.

Virtual fax access over the internet should also be PIN protected as well as be secured by industry standard protocols and encryption algorithms. An added security feature would be that the internet portal s identity be verified by an SSL certificate.

4. Technical Security Mechanisms A virtual fax provider should be able to guard against unauthorized access or loss of data over the communications network. Data storage systems should implement industry standard fault tolerant measures to prevent data loss due to storage media failure. Databases and storage systems should be protected by battery backup technology to protect against potential data loss due to power failures. In addition, servers should use a measure comparable to FreeBSD UNIX to prevent unauthorized access and data security compromise.

For a medical provider in a technical world it can be difficult to keep up with all the current technology and still be sure to follow all the guidelines they are subject to. While ultimately it is the consumer s responsibility to determine whether or not a virtual fax provider allows them to maintain HIPAA compliance, many providers already have security measures in place that can help them stay within the guidelines they are subject to.

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Friday, April 18, 2008


A calendar is a systematic and structured documentation of the units of time for the purpose of estimating or calculating time over an extended period. Simply put, it is a record of the various units of time, namely days, months and years. A day is the smallest unit in the calendar. Calendars have existed in human civilizations for centuries. Historically, calculations of days, months and years in a calendar were determined by astronomical observations and events. The sun and the moon cycles were considered vital for creation and comprehension of early calendars. The movement of the earth from one fixed position to another was considered important for the depiction of a year, which is approximately 365.242190 days, although it may vary slightly. Similarly, the movement of the moon around earth (from one new moon to the next) was used to determine the synodic month, which is approximately 30 days, although it may vary. Some calendars are based on abstract continuously occurring cycles alone.There are now about 40 calendars used throughout the world. The Christian, or Gregorian, calendar is now the most widely used calendar. Some of the concepts of month in this calendar have been derived from the Julian calendar. The Gregorian calendar had been introduced by Alvysius Lilius, a physician from Naples, and later adopted by Pope Gregory. The tropical year is 365 47/400 days, with 97 leap years in every 400 years. Some calendars, like the Islamic calendar, are based completely on lunar cycles, while others like the Jewish calendar are based both on solar and lunar cycles.Calendars have been devised to serve the social, religious and occupational requirements of people of various cultures and societies for millenia. Even the aggressive and brutal Vikings of Scandinavia recognized the significance of calendars to plan their daily activities and living. In antiquity calendars enabled people to plan for agriculture, hunting and irrigation cycles, and record the dates of significant religious and social events. A calendar has acquired greater significance today. Scheduling one s daily life has become necessary for survival.Free Calendars provides detailed information on Calendars, Free Calendars, Printable Calendars, Custom Calendars and more. Free Calendars is affiliated with Atomic Alarm Clocks.

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